
And I’m back. Finally.

How many updates?

Alright, I know that Minecraft is in bug hell at the moment. Bug fixes causing new bugs. But, 1.6.6? Wow. 4 more updates and it’s 1.7, unless they go 1.6.8, 1.6.9, 1.6.9_01. That would officially be the longest version in Minecraft. So, 1.6.6. All I have to say is ouch.


Also, new channel up!

Minecraft Guides! Also…

Facebook page too 😀

Minecraft Beta 1.5 Review

Well, it’s here! Minecraft Beta 1.5. Despite mucking up all the addons for the MCWB server, its a pretty good update.

The full list of what was added is:

  • Weather – Rain, Snow, Thunder
  • Statistics
  • Achievements
  • Detector Rails
  • Booster Rails
  • Performance Improvements
I have to say, I find weather the best addition as Minecraft isn’t the desert anymore, where it doesn’t rain 24/7 365 days a year.
Booster rails would be my 2nd favourite addition, as it removes the need for the minecart booster. No more need for 2 minecarts 😀
Although there was a lack of it, achievements were a challenge! Notch said that the achievements wouldn’t be chores. It seemed like it was, as the base of all achievements was to punch a piece of wood.
What happens if you spawn in a huge desert? Exactly.
So overall, I’ll give Beta 1.5 a 8/10.